January 2024

Sadly, the 2024 Historical Romance Retreat has been canceled. It’s been a busy year with family travel and I have no in-person appearances confirmed for 2024 so far.

I’ll announce future personal appearance plans in my newsletter and on Facebook. Let’s hope we can meet again in person soon!

Meanwhile, you can find me here at my website or on my Facebook page.

Pictures from HRR 2023:

Here I am with fellow authors Rue Allyn and Sherry Ewing.

With one of my favorite cover models, Michael Foster.

At the book signing.

Here I am reading at Lady Jane's Salon in October

Here I am reading at Lady Jane’s Salon in October 2014

On July 27, 2019, author Alanna Lucas and I spoke about Regency Spies and our latest books at Book Carnival Bookstore in the City of Orange, California.

Alanna Lucas talking about her latest book.

And you can sign up (if you haven’t already done so) for monthly newsletters here:


Where I’ll Be — No Comments

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